Biomedical Students' Symposium Tübingen 2019
The molecular medicine students of Tübingen heartly invite all life-science students of Germany, Austria and Switzerland to participate in the Biomedical Students' Symposium 2019 from 31/05/19 to 02/06/19. We have prepared an outline of several activities, talks and workshops covering a wide variety of topics in life-science for you to participate in. There will also be enough time to explore the beautiful and historical city centre of Tübingen. This year our opening event will be an interdisciplinary science slam held by entertaining scientists from several academic disciplines. Traditionally, the symposium ends with the so called "Bundesfachschaftentagung" to improve networking between the different study programmes. In case of questions, do not hesitate to ask, we will be there to answer you via e-mail ( or on Facebook ("Biomedical Students' Symposium Tübingen").
Our Science Talks
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of molecular medicine in Tübingen we are glad to present you our leading scientists in the fields of Oncology, Immunology, Infectiology, Neurology and Genetics, which will give a small insight into the diverse medical research in Tübingen. With Dr. Norbert Hilf we are also featuring one of the local companies representing the biotechnological cluster of Tübingen. The symposium is set under the motto "Building Bridges between Basic Science and Clinical Medicine". See below to find more information about our speaker.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ghazaleh Tabatabai
Prof. Tabatabai is our new head of molecular medicine in Tübingen. Her research focuses on new treatments against glioblastomas by using current molecular knowledge about the onset of the tumors to improve the outcome of clinical therapies. Stay tuned to hear of the high ranked research of our dean Prof. Tabatabai.
Prof. Dr. Nisar Malek
Prof. Malek is the direcotr and chair of the Deparment of Internal Medicine I in the University Hospital of Tübingen. He has a long history of high ranked research in oncology and is focusing on hepatobiliary cancers. 2008 he was awarded the AIO Science Award and in 2009 he was awarded the "Johann-Georg-Zimmermann Preis" for his excellent research. Get to know how the knowledge about molecular basis of proliferation control resulsts in targeted treatments in oncology.
Dr. Norbert Hilf
Dr. Hilf is the director of translational development in the local biotech company immatics. His resarch focuses on targeted T-cell therapies against a variety of tumors. Learn how to use the latest knowledge in the field of immunology for the invention of new cancer therapies.
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Mordmüller
Due to the Research of Prof. Mordmüller Tübingen was in the scientific press all around the world. His team created a new vaccine against Malaria that already showed great effectiveness in healthy participants. Get to know how important human infection models are in the development of new drugs.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Ossowski
Prof. Ossowski is expert in the newest genetical analyses and dedicates his time to find new possible targets in rare diseases and cancer. To do so he uses the material of liquid biopsies and monitors the tumor evolution and its response to therapeutic treatments. Get to know his findings in the beginning of the session.
After aquiring interesting and relevant knowledge from the talks of our five top scientists and having a relaxing lunch-break, we invite you to one of our various workshops that will take place in the afternoon. We try to give you a big variety of workshops covering all research foci of Tübingen and the possibility of hand-on workshops, problem-based seminars and much more...
The workshops will be assigned after the principle: first come - first serve, so register as soon as possible to be able to get a spot in your favourite workshop.
The session will be covering different methods of sequencing with respect to clinical implications (genome, exome, transcriptome, panel) and will provide an outlook especially focussing on liquid biopsy, tumor mutational burden and neoantigen prediction.
Expert: Dr. Dr. Saskia Biskup
Location: Lehr- und Lerngebäude 1.202/203
The session will be divided into 3 sections: 1. Introducing the scientific background (about 30 minutes) 2. Students will be divided into groups and each group will be given some topics to dicuss (about 30 minutes) 3. Discussion about the state of art of the field, current questions and technical challanged (about 60 minutes).
Expert: Dr. Uris Ros or Prof. Dr. Ana J. García-Sáez
Location: IFIB, first floor, Garcia-Saez lab, room 209
Suggested previous knowledge: Basics of cell death
This workshop is divided into 2 parts:
1) Lecture on T-cell assays with special focus on their application for monitoring clinical studies: approx 60 min
2) visit of the lab (Elispot and flow cytometer) and open discussion on the techniques: approx 60 min
Expert: PD Dr. Cécile Gouttefangeas
Location: Verfügungsgebaude, Auf der Morgenstelle 15, Seminar Raum 1.034 (lecture) and Abt Immunologie, Raum 3.065 (lab)
Suggested previous knowledge: Basics of immunology
A medical scenario will be critically evaluated and analyzed as a group. This interactive discussion will highlight the importance of active and independent learning, and will encourage attendees to develop their communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and leadership.
Expert: Dr. Tamia Lapointe
Location: Crona, Seminarraum 224
Suggested previous knowledge: Basics of human physiology
In this workshop, we will examine how molecular analyses have been crucial for deciphering the function and heterogeneity of microglial cells (brain macrophages). We will also study how molecular approaches can be used to manipulate specific cell types and such approaches can be used for evaluating new treatment options for brain diseases.
Expert: Dr. Jonas Neher
Location: Lehr- und Lerngebäude 1.206
Suggested previous knowledge: Basics of neuroscience and immunology
We will both give an overview about the topic and then discuss with the group what they think still has to be done in basic science and in clinical trials.
Experts: Prof. Dr. Birgit Schittek and Dr. Tobias Sinnberg
Location: Lehr- und Lerngebäude 1.205
Suggested previous knowledge: Basics of oncology
How are human disease genes discovered? Students will first be introduced to the variability of the human genome, learn how to interpret genetic variation and then learn the strategies how disease genes are discovered and validated. To exemplify the principles we will work with 'real life' whole exome and whole genome sequencing data and use key genomic databases.
Expert: PD Dr. Rebecca Schüle
Location: Lehr- und Lerngebäude 2.202
Suggested previous knowledge: Basics of human genetics
Introduction in the topic and main methodological aspects of the CRISPR/Cas9 mediated gene editing and iPSC generation will be provided. After that, the implementation of the discussed methods in the (1) disease modelling or (2) correction of disease-casing mutations will be developed together with the partcipants in small groups.
Expert: Prof. Dr. Julia Skokowa
Location: probably: Crona 221
Suggested previous knowledge: Basics of cell and molecular biology and genetics
Hand on workshop with a classic model organism (2 and 5 days old chicken embryo). In this Workshop you will learn the basics of the anatomy of higher vertebrates. First, you will see a demonstration of a 3-days-old chicken embryo via video-microscopy and get explained the general anatomy of embryos. Then, you have the chance to prepare your own chicken embryo on pairs of two or three students. It is your chance to investigate chicken embryos in ovo and in vitro.
Expert: PD Dr. Andrea Wizenmann
Location: Felsenbeinlabor, HNO
The session will be a mix of theoretical presentations and practical hands-on demonstrations. We will discuss basics in light and electron microscipy, and advanced methods of optical sectioning and superresolution. The practical part will include working on confocal microscopes (multichannel imaging and image stacks) and optional a demonstration of an electron microscope.
Expert: Dr. Andreas Mack
Location: Anatomie, Österbergstr. 3 Seminar/Mikroskopräume
Get acquainted with a zebrafish facility and the utility of zebrafish for basic and translational research. Observe and draw wildtype and mutant embryos at various stages using stereomicroscopes and observe transgenic reporter embryos using a fluorescence microscope.
Expert: Dr. Patrick Müller
Location: FML, Max-Planck-Ring 9
This workshop will give an overview on the discovery of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). It will introduce and discuss the work that led to Nobel prizes in 1980 and 1996. The workshop will be divided into three parts: After an introduction into the topic, the participants will form four groups and deal with the scientific work on MHC. In the final presentation each group will present their findings. The participants will be introoduced into the immunological work, which among other things, provided far-reaching insights for organ transplantation.
Expert: Prof. Dr. Oliver Planz
Location: Lehr- und Lerngebäude 2.201
Suggested previous knowledge: Basics of immunology
Other: Bring your own Laptop or Tablet!
Time and Place
- Symposium Phone: (0172/8437471) Available from Friday - Sunday in case of questions and urgent calls
- Registration:
- Friday: (4:00 - 6:30 pm), Alte HNO, Silcherstrasse 5, Rooms 111 and 112 (Bus stops: Hölderlinstrasse or Gmelinstrasse, 15 min walk from the train station)
- Saturday: (8:00 - 8:45 am), Crona-Kliniken, Hoppe-Seyler-Strasse 3, Floor 04, in front of Lecture Hall (Bus stop: Uni-Kliniken Berg)
- Science Slam: (6:30pm), Kupferbau, Hölderlinstrasse 5, HS25 (Bus stops: Hölderlinstrasse or Gmelinstrasse)
- Science Talks: (8:45am - 1:00pm), Crona-Kliniken, Hoppe-Seyler-Strasse 3, Floor 04, Lecture Hall (Bus stop: Uni-Kliniken Berg)
- Pub Crawl: (7:30 pm), In front of the Stiftskirche, Holzmarkt 1, Please eat dinner before the Pub Crawl, not every location is offering food!
- BuFaTa: (9:30am - 12:00pm), Lehr- und Lerngebäude, Elfriede-Aulhorn-Strasse 10, Room 202/3 (Bus stop: Uni-Kliniken Berg)
- Accommodation: Geschwister-Scholl-Schule, Berliner Ring 33, Sporthalle (Bus stops: Ahornweg or Fichtenweg), Please bring your own sleeping bag and air mattress!